Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to make Brownie Mix taste better!!

      After a long busy day, sometimes you crave sweets and then brownies pop in your head. Now making homemade brownie sometime takes to long or you don't have all the right ingredients. So you go to the easy solution Brownie Mix, all you need is 3 ingredients. 

      I always love to add my own special twist on cakes, brownies and cookies. One trick I like to do is add Vanilla, it makes every recipe just a little sweeter. Another is switch my vegetable oil, for coconut oil. In my opinion it makes the texture of the mix lighter.


Follow the directions on the box, switch the vegetable oil for coconut oil (you might need to microwave the coconut oil) 

Then add all the ingredients (make sure the coconut oil is not to hot, were it will turn the eggs into scramble eggs.)

Mix about 40 times and then add a teaspoon to teaspoon and half of Vanilla, then mix 20 more times.

Pour into the pan and cook for the amount of time the box says. 

A SIMPLE AND EASY WAY TO MAKE SEMI-HOMEMADE                                      BROWNIES!!!


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