Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to make Brownie Mix taste better!!

      After a long busy day, sometimes you crave sweets and then brownies pop in your head. Now making homemade brownie sometime takes to long or you don't have all the right ingredients. So you go to the easy solution Brownie Mix, all you need is 3 ingredients. 

      I always love to add my own special twist on cakes, brownies and cookies. One trick I like to do is add Vanilla, it makes every recipe just a little sweeter. Another is switch my vegetable oil, for coconut oil. In my opinion it makes the texture of the mix lighter.


Follow the directions on the box, switch the vegetable oil for coconut oil (you might need to microwave the coconut oil) 

Then add all the ingredients (make sure the coconut oil is not to hot, were it will turn the eggs into scramble eggs.)

Mix about 40 times and then add a teaspoon to teaspoon and half of Vanilla, then mix 20 more times.

Pour into the pan and cook for the amount of time the box says. 

A SIMPLE AND EASY WAY TO MAKE SEMI-HOMEMADE                                      BROWNIES!!!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Top Detox Drinks

Jillian Michael's Detox Drink


  • 60 oz distilled Water
  • 1 Tbsp 100% pure cranberry juice (no sugar added, non-cocktail)
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 dandelion root Tea Bag

     Combine water and juices in a pitcher and add tea bag. Drink the water throughout the day, allowing the tea bar to remain in the pitcher. Drink one entire pitcher each day for 7 days. According to JM, this will help you lose up to 5 lbs in excess water weight. 

Papaya Detox Drink

I love papaya and a couple months ago come across this detox drink. After some research I found out that papaya contains an amazingly rich source of proteolytic enzymes which boost the digestion of protein. Papain in papaya is extremely good for improving digestion and prevents constipation. Papaya helps flush out toxins in our body.

I tried this drink and it tasted really good. After a few days of taking it I didn't lose much weight, but it helped with my bloating!!  Hope it helps you too!

  • 1 cup of Papaya
  • 1/2 cup of Pineapple
  • 1 Tbsp of Freshly squeezed lemon juice

1) Peel the Papaya, dig up seeds and dice up. Then peel and dice Pineapple

2) Blend into a blender for about 30 secs and pour into a cup. Add Lemon, Stir and Enjoy!

Metabolism Boost Drink

Simple and Easy:
    20 ounces of water add 1 medium cucumber, peeled and sliced. 1 lemon thinly sliced. 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger and around 10 spearmint leaves. 
    Mix and leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight and in the morning you have a cold and refreshing drink.

Ginger root actually helps the body to produce digestive enzymes on its own, assisting with the digestive process and boosting the metabolism. Also, Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of cramps.

* Cucumbers are a very good source of the vitamins C and the mineral molybdenum. They are also a good source of vitamin A, potassium, manganese, folate, dietary fiber and magnesium and contain the important mineral silica. The high water content of cucumber makes it naturally hydrating. Cucumbers are said to be excellent for weight reduction, weight control, blood detoxification, and the elimination of uric acid. Uric acid is a waste product formed from the metabolic breakdown of substances in food called purines. 

Lemon Wake-up Drink

  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 Fresh lemon


Squeeze the lemon into water and that's it!!

*Lemon is a very powerful cleansing fruits that contains high vitamin C and potassium content which is one of the top fruits that protect against infection. 

*Not only that they are top fruits in cleansing out body especially our liver and kidney. Which these two organ are very vital in detoxing our body

*Therefore, Lemon is extremely good for flushing toxins out of our body. But remember never take lemon alone because by taking lemon alone it is really bad for our teeth. 

Green Tea Detox Drink

  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 organic green tea bag
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 Tbsp honey
  • 1/2 of a lemon juiced
  • pinch of Cayenne

1) Add Tea and Cinnamon stick in hot water for 8-10 minutes

2) Stir in honey, lemon juice, and cayenne.

3) Drink immediately

* Cayenne causes the body temperature to rise, which when the body temperature rises it needs to be cooled and you burn more calories. You burn more calories when the body is forced to go through a cooling process.

*Cinnamon stick is a great source of manganese, fiber, and calcium. It also lowers cholesterol and helps with blood sugar regulation.

* Green Tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation. Thermogenesis is the calories the body burns while digesting and absorbing food as it's being eaten. Drinking tea is healthy because it contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect against cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


       My Fiance is 100% Greek and I'm a mix of Italian and Mexican. When we were getting to know each other in the beginning of our relationship, he would always tell me how Spanakopita was so delicious and that I had to try it. He describe it to me and the first thing I thought of was Quiche. This was, because the ingredients were so similar; Spinach, cheese and a type of pastry. 

                                                             (Matt's Trip to Greece) 

         Over a few years, I finally feel like I have perfected this recipe thanks to the help of his Yiayia ( which is "grandma" in Greek). The main ingredient is FETA, oh how I have grown to love this cheese! I put it in everything salads, pasta, and especially anything Greek related. Hope you enjoy the recipe and remember there's no such thing as too much FETA haha!!


  • Olive Oil
  • 1 lrg Onion
  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • 2 Pounds of Frozen Spinach (rinsed & drained)
  • 1/2 fresh parsley
  • 2 eggs (lightly beaten)
  • 2/3 cup of Ricotta Cheese
  • 1 & 1/4 cup of crumbled Feta
  • 20 sheets of Phyllo Dough
  • 1/4 Olive Oil

1) Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees and lightly oil a 9x9  square inch baking pan.

2) Rinse & Drain Spinach (make sure you do this at least a hour before cooking).  What I like to do is get a Tupperware and place the frozen spinach into it, add about 4 tbsp of water and microwave for 3-4 mins until the spinach is no longer frozen. After you do this, place the spinach into a colander and with a paper towel press out all the excess water. This might take awhile and be very COLD! 

3) Heat 3 Tbsp of olive oil in the large skillet over medium heat. Saute onions and garlic, until soft and lightly browned. Stir in spinach and parsley, and continue to saute until spinach is limp, about 2-3 mins. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

4) In a bowl, mix together eggs, ricotta, and feta. Stir in spinach mixture. Lay Phyllo dough in prepared baking pan, and brush every layer with olive oil. 10 sheets for the bottom and then add Spinach Mixture.( I like to add just a little more feta on top of the spinach). Then follow with another 10 sheets and make sure you brush each layer with olive oil. 

5) Before placing them in the oven make sure you cut the Spanakopita into desired shapes. I like to cut it into square shapes and other like triangles, whatever you prefer. I do this because it gets very difficult and messy when cutting it after it is baked.

6) Bake in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown. Check every 10 minutes. Once done remove from oven and serve while hot! 

*TIPS: For left over when reheating: preheat oven to 350 degrees and place the Spanakopita on the baking sheet. Bake until the Phyllo dough is crunchy. If you reheat it in the microwave it can turn moisture and you don't get that crispy, flaky dough that really makes the Spanakopita amazing. 


Thursday, December 6, 2012


        Coconut Oil is becoming very popular! You can use it for your Skin, Hair, and even cooking. For this blog post I decided to only describe how I used it as a mask for my hair. I have Blonde hair that has been bleached over and over again. My ends get a little dry and I'm always looking for the next product to use for my hair.

         My First concern was that the Coconut Oil was going to make my hair very Oily and second that is was going to be hard to get out of my hair (which I have heard about other DIY hair mask). But to my surprise my hair was not Oily and it was pretty easy to get out of my hair. My Final results were amazing! My hair felt like clouds, it was so soft and shiny. I would recommend everyone trying this hair treatment, It's cheap, easy and the result will  astound you. I am adding this Coconut Oil recipe to my weekly routine!


  • Coconut Oil
  • Spoon
  • Tupperware / Bowl
  • Spray bottle
  • Detangler Comb


Scoop 2 spoon fulls of Coconut Oil into Bowl. If you have longer hair add more and vice versa. 
Microwave the bowl with Coconut Oil for 30 seconds. You want to melt the Coconut Oil and still make sure it's not to hot when you put it on your hair. 


Damp Hair with Spray bottle and section off your hair in twos so it is easier to apply the Coconut Oil. (section 1 top of hair & 2 is bottom)


Apply Coconut Oil to your hair with your hands. Start at the Scalp (top section) and make your way to the ends of your hair. Massage it all the way through to make sure you have Coconut Oil on ever strand of hair.


With the detangler comb brush the hair to make sure you have no knots in your hair and also it will help make sure your head is completely covered with Coconut Oil. Put hair into a shower cap and keep it on for 1-2 hours. (The first time I did it, I only kept it on for 1 hour and my hair was super soft.)


Rinse your hair out with shampoo (Be Careful if you are in the shower the floor might be slippery) If needed shampoo twice. Then follow with Conditioner. After you get out of the shower blow dry your hair and that's it!! 



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mom's Famous Snickerdoodles

Mom's Famous Snicker-doodles w/ Coconut Oil

      My Mom is the best cook I know, she makes you fall in love food. Now I know what you might be thinking I'm being bias, but all of my 25 years of living everyone loves her food. I've even seen people fight over the last of the Cookies. 
     So I called up my mom and asked her for the recipe for her Famous snicker-doodles. I went to the store bought everything I need and came home. As I was looking through the recipe I realized I forgot to by butter!!! But then I remember I had COCONUT OIL, which is the latest craze. So I made the cookies with the C.O and 30 mins later I had the most mouthwatering snicker-doodles. They had a nice sweet taste to them and shared them with my Fiance. He loved them!!  Hope you LOVE the recipe too :)

This Recipe is for 24 cookies for 4 dozen just double everything!

  • 1/4 cup soften coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup shortening
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 & 1/4 Teaspoon of Vanilla
  • 1 & 1/3 cup and 1 Tbsp of all purpose flour
  • 1 Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar
  • 1/2 Baking Soda
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons of White Sugar
  • 1 & 1/2 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon 


1) Preheat Oven to 400 Degrees

2) Cream together Butter, Shortening, 3/4 cup of Sugar, Eggs and Vanilla. Blend Flour, Cream of Tartar, Baking Soda and Salt. Shape dough into rounded spoonful size balls.

3) Mix together the 2 Tbsp of Sugar and Cinnamon. Roll the balls of dough into the mixture and then place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. When placing them on the sheet, press down on each cookie to flatten them. This will help cook them evenly.

4) Bake for 8 - 10 minutes. When taking out of the oven they will be very soft, don't worry if their not they will be too hard when they cool off. Remove them for the cookie sheet immediately and place them on the cookie rack.

*Tips: If you're like me and have an electrical oven, I would either buy an Oven Thermometer or keep the oven cracked open so the Cookies do not burn.

" Cooking is like LOVE; it should be entered into with abandon or not at all"
                  -Julia Child 


Monday, December 3, 2012

Favorite Alcohol Drink

White Russian 

          One of my all time favorite drinks!! This drink I believe is best at night after a long day when you just want to sit around and relax.
          A few years ago I was introduced to this amazing drink, but before I tell you how to make the perfect White Russian we have to talk about "The Dude". If you have not seen The Big Lebowski it is a cult classic and I encourage everyone to watch it while drinking a White Russian. My Fiance knows every line almost word for word and hopeful one day we can go to the Lebowski Festival!!! The Big Lebowski is about the "Dude" Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), who is being mistaken for millionaire Lebowski, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies (John Goodman, Steve Buscemi) to help get it.

          Now you are thinking how does The Big Lebowski have anything to do with making a White Russian. The Dude drinks a White Russian (or as he calls it Caucasian) NINE TIMES throughout the course of the movie!! HOPE you Enjoy the Movie and the Drink!!

How to make the Perfect WHITE RUSSIAN

  • 1 part vodka
  • 1 part Kahlua
  • 1/2 parts Milk or Light Cream 
  • lots of ice 

Add Ice to the Drink, pour vodka, Kahlua and add milk to the glass. Stir and that's it!! 


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Italian Wedding Soup

Italian Wedding Soup

The term "wedding soup" is a mistranslation of the Italian language phrase "minestra maritata ("married soup")," which is a reference to the fact that green vegetables and meats go well together. 

This Soup is simply amazing and is my favorite soup obsession! The flavors of the soup are truly a wonderful marriage. At my first bridal party meeting, my lovely mother came up with the idea to make this soup. It was a quick dish to make, and also was a great conversational starter. 


              For the Meatballs
                    1 small onion
                    1/3 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley or any Italian seasonings
                    1 large egg
                    1 teaspoon minced garlic
                          1 teaspoon salt
                          1 slice fresh white bread, crust trimmed, bread torn into small pieces
                          1/2 cup grated Parmesan
                           8 ounces ground beef or turkey
                           8 ounces Italian Sausage
                           Freshly ground black pepper

              For the Soup
                       8-10 cups low-sodium chicken broth
                       4-5  Regular size potatoes (dice size of peas)
                       3 Cups of Kale (remove ribs before slicing)
                       1 cup of Cream
                       2 Tbsp of grated Parmesan 
                       Salt and ground black pepper
    1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F

                       * (2) To make the meatballs: Stir the first 6 ingredients in a large bowl to blend. Stir in                                           the cheese, beef/ turkey and Sausage. Using 1 1/2 teaspoons for each, shape the meat mixture into 1-inch-diameter meatballs. Place on a baking sheet.

      3. Bake meatballs for 12 minutes or until golden brown. 

                  *(4) To make the soup: Add Potatoes, then bring the broth to a boil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Simmer for 30 minutes.
 5. Add the meatballs and Kale until the meatballs are cooked through, about 8 minutes. Season the soup to taste with salt and pepper.
6. Add Cream right before serving & Garnish with Parmesan.
        Hope you enjoy the "Wedding" Soup!!
